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Government jobs 

After getting a professional degree every one want a good job, so that they can polish their skills. In the present Era the competition towards jobs are tougher. Especially local government jobs have more competition because government jobs provide you many facilities like Health-care and other benefits that a private sector may not able to provide to his employees. The main advantage of government jobs Is that your job is secure up till to the scheduled tenure, while in private sector your job is not secure and you will be fired with or without any reason.

Federal government jobs are highly competitive. For example if a department requires a software engineer holding a BSCS, BSIT or BS software degree. Then may be or one seat fifty thousand Applicants are struggling for this specific job and competition is quiet tougher for you to be selected among all.
People are always searching for job opportunities in their specific region. For this purpose they also visit job websites so that they can find better job to prosper further. People who are already doing government jobs are also searching for part time opportunities.

Graduates who are not getting good jobs in Pakistan are also trying some other options like they may also search for jobs in uae or we say Emirates Jobs. UAE is the Hub for new startups and Tech Companies and there are many opportunities for the software engineers to find the job relevant to their skills. Silicon Valley in USA is also a big name for software engineers many big Tech Companies and software houses are based in Silicon Valley. There are number of good jobs in America and they pay hourly according to your expertise. People also go for army jobs And other related fields as these are also high paying jobs.
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